
Art prints for Sale. Some great cheap poster prints. Our fine art prints not only gives you the best quality art reproductions, but also a very competitive price. All of our art prints posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Browse through our hundreds of thousands of canvases, posters and art prints in stock.


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Twenty Paintings by Twenty Painters Contemporary Canadian Art Selected by Marci & Louise Lipman
Size (overall): 15.5 X 11 inches - 39 X 28 cm

Twenty Paintings by Twenty Painters Contemporary Canadian Art Selected by Marci & Louise Lipman

Description: Twenty Paintings by Twenty Painters Contemporary Canadian Art Selected by Marci & Louise Lipman. Folio. unpaginated. featuring 20 works of art suitable for framing. paperback (fine condition). Toronto: Lester, Orpen...
Artistica Fine Art - Gift Card

Artistica Fine Art - Gift Card

€34,87 – €279,00
Artistica Fine Art - Gift Card
Greenfield and Sun, 1960 by Jack Bush - 26 X 36 Inches (Silkscreen / Serigraph)
Size (overall): 26 X 36 inches - 66 X 92 cmSize (image): 20 X 27 inches - 51 X 69 cm

Greenfield and Sun, 1960 by Jack Bush - 26 X 36 Inches (Silkscreen / Serigraph Signed and dated)

Greenfield and Sun, 1960 by Jack Bush. Signed and dated on the plate. Jack Bush (1909-1977) is Canada's most successful abstract artist of the 20th century.  Bush was a graduate of...