North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)
North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Vintage Hardcover Book 1967)

North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast (Livre Relié Vintage 1967)

$200.00 CAD
Artiste: Paul Hamlyn

Taille: Taille (hors tout) : 12 X 9.5 pouces - 30.5 X 24 cm

Taille (hors tout) : 12 X 9.5 pouces - 30.5 X 24 cm


"North American Indian Art: Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings, and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast" plonge dans le riche patrimoine artistique des cultures autochtones de la côte nord-ouest de l'Amérique du Nord. À travers une photographie époustouflante et des commentaires éclairants, ce livre explore le monde complexe des masques, des amulettes, des sculptures sur bois et des tenues cérémonielles, offrant un aperçu captivant de la signification spirituelle et culturelle de ces œuvres d'art. De l'habileté artisanale aux symboles incorporés dans chaque pièce, les lecteurs découvriront les liens profonds entre l'art, la tradition et l'identité au sein des communautés autochtones nord-américaines. Que vous soyez un passionné d'art, un historien ou simplement curieux des cultures autochtones, ce livre offre un voyage fascinant au cœur de l'art indien nord-américain.

Titre : North American Indian Art; Masks, Amulets, Wood Carvings and Ceremonial Dress from the North-West Coast.

Éditeur : Paul Hamlyn, London.

Date de publication: 1967.

Obligatoire: Relié.

Condition: A.

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Informations Complémentaires

Taille (hors tout) : 12 X 9.5 pouces - 30.5 X 24 cm