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 Time Passages II by Studio S - 12 X 24 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 24 X 12 inches

Time Passages II by Studio S - 12 X 24 Inches (Art Print)

$35.00 CAD$130.00 CAD
Time Passages II by Studio S. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
Time Passages I by Studio S - 12 X 24 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 24 X 12 inches

Time Passages I by Studio S - 12 X 24 Inches (Art Print)

$35.00 CAD$130.00 CAD
Time Passages I by Studio S. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
Tiges  - (Silkscreen)
Size (overall): 11.75 X 11.75 inchesSize (image):

Tiges - (Silkscreen)

$38.00 CAD$124.80 CAD
All of our fine art prints posters are made on thick, high-quality paper similar to postcards or greeting cards. They display vivid and sharp image quality, and have an appearance...
Tiger Lilies #4 by Huntington Witherill - 18 X 36 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 36 x 18 inches - 91.5 x 45.5 cmSize (image): 30 x 12 inches - 76 x 30.5 cm

Tiger Lilies #4 by Huntington Witherill - 18 X 36 Inches (Art Print)

$58.00 CAD$258.00 CAD
Tiger Lilies #4 by Huntington Witherill. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid, and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
Thistle and Crossing, 1834 by Katsushika Hokusai - 12 X 16 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 15.75 X 11.75 inches - 40 X 30 cmSize (image): 11.75 X 8.50 inches

Thistle and Crossing, 1834 by Katsushika Hokusai - 12 X 16 Inches (Art Print)

$32.00 CAD$104.00 CAD
Thistle and Crossing, 1834 by Katsushika Hokusai. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance...
The Window of the Studio, 1976 by Chagall - 24 X 32 Inches (Watercolour / Aquarelle)
Size (overall): 31.5 X 23.5 inches - 80 X 60 cmSize (image): 20.5 X 15.75 inches - 52 X 40 cm

The Window of the Studio, 1976 by Chagall - 24 X 32 Inches (Watercolour / Aquarelle)

$136.00 CAD$336.00 CAD
The Window of the Studio, 1976 by Chagall. Watercolour, Vergé. This offset lithograph is beautifully printed on Vergé watercolor paper. This creamy white uncoated paper looks and feels handmade which elevates...
The Unfolding IV by Christine Elizabeth - 24 X 36 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 36 X 24 inchesSize (image): 24 X 24 inches

The Unfolding IV by Christine Elizabeth - 24 X 36 Inches (Art Print)

$68.00 CAD$218.40 CAD
The Unfolding IV by Christine Elizabeth. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
The Unfolding III by Christine Elizabeth - 24 X 36 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 36 X 24 inchesSize (image): 24 X 24 inches

The Unfolding III by Christine Elizabeth - 24 X 36 Inches (Art Print)

$68.00 CAD$218.40 CAD
The Unfolding III by Christine Elizabeth. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
The Two Red Pots by Isabelle Maysonnave - 28 X 28 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 27 X 27 inches

The Two Red Pots by Isabelle Maysonnave - 28 X 28 Inches (Art Print)

$52.00 CAD$244.40 CAD
The Two Red Pots by Isabelle Maysonnave. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance...
The Rose's Petals by Leni Betes - 30 X 34 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 34 X 30 inchesSize (image): 30 X 30 inches

The Rose's Petals by Leni Betes - 30 X 34 Inches (Art Print)

$88.00 CAD$279.50 CAD
The Rose's Petals by Leni Betes. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid, and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
The Red Pot by Isabelle Maysonnave - 24 X 32 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 24 X 32 inches

The Red Pot by Isabelle Maysonnave - 24 X 32 Inches (Art Print)

$68.00 CAD$244.40 CAD
The Red Pot by Isabelle Maysonnave. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an appearance that...
The Red Maple, 1914 by Alexander Young Jackson - 12 X 18 Inches (Art Print)
Size (overall): 12 X 18 inchesSize (image): 10 X 12.25 inches

The Red Maple, 1914 by Alexander Young Jackson - 12 X 18 Inches (Art Print)

$32.00 CAD$114.40 CAD
The Red Maple, 1914 by Alexander Young Jackson. All of our fine art posters are made on thick, high-quality paper. Artistica Fine Art displays vivid and sharp image quality and has an...