Nouvelles Images - Postcards / Cartes Postales

$7.07 CAD

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All Postcards from Nouvelles Images Are 3.25$ Retail.

 (Toutes les Cartes Simples de Nouvelles Images sont a 3.25$ detail).


Atelier Nouvelles Images

These postcards are some of the most popular cards among postcard lovers, they depict different types of one particular thing (mostly food) in a very nice way that is very appealing to the eye.

A bit of history 

Nouvelles Images is a french publisher of greeting cards, stickers, postcards, calendars, prints, posters, canvases, etc. that has for slogan "Image your emotions", they get in touch with artists who provide images full of emotion and print them as different products. 
The idea for their Atelier Nouvelles images series came in 1997 when Jacques Lavaux, Dominique Seckler, Jean-Baptiste Blanc, and Clotilde Burri-Blanc used to get together every Wednesday for a meeting intended to discuss new ideas and projects; the meeting would continue at "Le Passage", a restaurant in Paris. 
This restaurant had books available for the clients to read, one of them being "The book of ingredients" by Adrian Bailey. Jaques was really into the book even though the illustrations were considered "austere" by the group. 
So that's when the idea came to the table, a series of prints & postcards that depicted various ingredients nicely photographed and in an exquisite presentation with detail in the composition. 
Even though Jean-Baptiste wasn't really convinced at first because of the heavy photography investment this series required and the uncertainty of who would be interested in these prints, he finally gave in and 
the first items published were "Les Pâtes" (pasta) and "Les Fines Herbes" (mixed herbs); the photos were taken by photographer Gilles Le Scanff (whose work is mostly inspired by gardens and nature) under the artistic direction of Jacques, at the same time Nouvelles Images published two similar style photos (Tomatoes and Aubergines) taken by Roger Phillips.

Today fifteen years later, millions of postcards, greeting cards, calendars, and prints have been sold all around the world and these series have grown now depict bread, cheese, chairs, candy, teapots, fruits, animals, etc. 
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